Hardcore IPA | BrewDog

ABV: 9.2%
IBU: 150
Style: IPA - Imperial / Double
Hardcore IPA Untappd Rating: 3.92077 / 70337
Actively Produced
Description: It’s just a helluva shock. Something that gets the adrenalin pumping like a 400 volt shot in a copper bathtub has to be good for the soul. Join the hardcore elite, screw down the throttle and ride. Ride until your lungs bleed and your arms numb. Gun the fucker. Don’t pull back, or slow down until the crazy music starts. Then sit, stunned, wall-eyed, open mouthed, in the realization this mother will drill you with Panzer-like efficiency. And you’ll beg for more. Malts: Maris Otter, Crystal malt, Caramalt. Hops: Centennial, Columbus, Simcoe / Dry Hops: Centennial, Columbus, Simcoe.
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