Hermit Saints Saison | Burial Beer Co.

ABV: 5.5%
Style: Farmhouse Ale - Saison
Hermit Saints Saison Untappd Rating: 3.98317 / 520
Actively Produced
Description: A bottle conditioned Brett saison. Hermit Saints Saison is a collaboration with 7venth Sun Brewery in FL. A saison style ale Brewed with Huell Melon, Galaxy and Mosaic hops. This beer then rested in a blend of Biltmore Estate red wine barrels, was re-fermented on Petite Manseng grapes from NC's Overmountain Vineyards and finished with the wild yeast strain of brettanomyces. Fruit forward with an abundant white grape aroma and flavor. Tannins from the barrels, notes of melon from the hops and a subtle farmhouse funk from the wild yeast round out this complex beer. Named for he story behind both breweries' humble beginnings as nano-breweries as well as the Northern Renassiance painting by Hieronymous Bosch. Much like our breweries, the saints depicted in his piece did without material possessions, challenging themselves to find a deeper meaning to their lives and in our case our craft. At first we did without the big system and the ease that comes with more, but we would never change that as it shaped us into the brewery we are today.
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